City Church


Originally a church plant out of London, UK, we are a church with international roots looking “to know Jesus and make Jesus known.”


WHEN A CHARLOTTE businessman visited a contemporary Anglican church in the heart of London, he was so inspired, he invited the church’s leader to come speak at his church in Charlotte!

That visit began a relationship between a thriving London church and a handful of Charlotte families and gradually became a church plant in 2007. That plant is CityChurch.

Starting in Al and Niki’s kitchen, the church then moved into a warehouse and later began sharing a building with another church. In 2013, we purchased that building, and the Plaza Midwood neighborhood became our forever home.

Then in 2022, after Al retired and Mark Bailey became the new lead pastor, CityChurch became a part of New Covenant Ministries International, a network of global churches that exist to “know Jesus and Make Jesus known.”

NCMI is made up of a team with recognized Ephesians 4:11 gifts (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers) who partner in their commitment to accomplish God’s mandate of making disciples of all nations.


Building An Engaging Community
We strive to be a diverse congregation and to be a place where anybody can find friendship, belonging, and ultimately a church family! We believe in having fun together, and so we organize lots of ways for each of us to spend time with one another.

Enabling Life Changing Encounters with God
We believe nothing is more powerful than when we encounter God. We seek to have many occasions when we can intentionally meet with God and be impacted by Him. In our services, in prayer and in worship…our goal is to meet with Him and be changed!

Facilitating Genuine Discipleship
Ultimately, our goal is to help each other grow in faith and learn to follow Jesus as He leads us into life. We provide a variety of ways for each of us to grow in this way so that together we find the freedom and life that the Bible promises us..

Engaging in Courageous Evangelism
We are excited about finding ways to connect and build genuine relationships with those who do not yet know Jesus. Courageously, we will reach out beyond the walls of the church and seek whenever possible, to invite people to come and visit with us. .

Committed to Impactful Outreach
Our heart and goal is to be a blessing to our city and to make a difference to those in need around us. Through genuine and active partnerships with local organizations, we remain committed to getting involved and having a lasting impact!

What We Believe

The Trinity: God, Three in One

GOD WHO IS INFINITELY perfect, infinitely great, and infinitely good. God exists eternally in three different and distinct persons—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—who share the same divine nature, power and authority. The Father: God Is Love

WE BELIEVE IN A good God of perfect love and grace. God is all knowing, ever present, unchanging, and completely worthy of our trust and love. We believe in God’s sovereignty in creating, sustaining, ruling, redeeming and judging the world. Jesus, the Son: Fully God, Fully Man

JESUS IS THE INCARNATION of God’s eternal Son—simultaneously divine and human, but without sin. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to Mary, a young virgin girl. He lived a sinless life and died a gruesome death. He is God’s only plan for our salvation, and in Him we can have eternal life.

The Spirit: Active in the World Today

WE BELIEVE IN THE power and the ministry of the Holy Spirit today. The Spirit is eternally God, with the Father and Son from the beginning. The Spirit reveals sin in our lives, assures us of our relationship with Christ, empowers us with spiritual gifts, and guides us in our walk to be more like Jesus. Salvation: God’s Plan for Us .

THROUGH HIS DEATH and resurrection, Jesus Christ provided the only way for us to be reconciled to God. By dying, Jesus paid the price for our sin. By rising , He made a way for us to have eternal life. Salvation is God’s gift and cannot be earned. The Bible: God’s Inspiration

THE BIBLE IS GOD’S Word to all people and the final point of authority for Christians. Human authors wrote the Bible under the divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit. God speaks to us through Bible, even today. The Bible is completely relevant to our lives. The Church: God’s Family

THE GLOBAL CHURCH IS a community of believers, not a location. The Holy Spirit empowers the Church so we can worship God, proclaim the gospel, and share God’s love and redemption with a broken world. We remain committed to the Great Commission and being God’s agents of reconciliation. Eternity: The Next Chapter

WE BELIEVE THAT JESUS will return to this world again as a final act to complete His work of redemption. Just as Jesus was resurrected from the dead, we believe that those who have faith in him also will be raised to eternal life with God. The choices we make today impact our eternal destiny.

The Lighthouse Model

At CityChurch, we strive to be Real, Relational and Religious Free. We believe we exist to see people encounter God and become the light of Jesus.

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